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March 13, 2025
Scrappy Sewing from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a gloomy day here in the Pacific Northwest. The dense cloud cover has returned just in time to obscure our view of the total lunar eclipse. It is ever thus. We gave up on trying to see celestial events a long time ago. The sky is almost never clear when something especially interesting comes along. For that, we must drive to a different state...but not this time. 

I can actually recall seeing a total lunar eclipse in December of 1963 while I was living in Hawaii. I was nine years old. So, yeah ...

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Scrappy Sewing from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a gloomy day here in the Pacific Northwest. The dense cloud cover has returned just in time to obscure our view of the total lunar eclipse. It is ever thus. We gave up on trying to see celestial events a long time ago. The sky is almost never clear when something especially interesting comes along. For that, we must drive to a different state...but not this time. 

I can actually recall seeing a total lunar eclipse in December of 1963 while I was living in Hawaii. I was nine years old. So, yeah ...

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March 4, 2025
A Square Foot Finish from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a gloomy day here at the Three Cats Ranch, as it has been since Sunday. Today we're getting some rain, but we're expecting better weather tomorrow and Thursday. We have a new baby elephant at the Oregon Zoo, and I'm hoping we'll be able to get up there to see her on Thursday when we're expecting sunny skies.

There was a little bit of sunshine yesterday morning. The kitties have been enjoying the warming weather.

Just after letting them out, I looked to the windows at my right to ...

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A Square Foot Finish from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a gloomy day here at the Three Cats Ranch, as it has been since Sunday. Today we're getting some rain, but we're expecting better weather tomorrow and Thursday. We have a new baby elephant at the Oregon Zoo, and I'm hoping we'll be able to get up there to see her on Thursday when we're expecting sunny skies.

There was a little bit of sunshine yesterday morning. The kitties have been enjoying the warming weather.

Just after letting them out, I looked to the windows at my right to ...

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March 3, 2025
Cats Rule the Day from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I'm happy to report that our water woes from yesterday were over about two hours after discovering the problem. Before I even finished yesterday's post, Mike was on his way to the hardware store to get the part he needed. It was a quick fix, and the water was back on with no more problems. He's my hero. While he was gone, it occurred to me that I couldn't even brush my teeth, and I really, really, really wanted to. I found an open bottle of club soda in the refrigerator, and ...

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Cats Rule the Day from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I'm happy to report that our water woes from yesterday were over about two hours after discovering the problem. Before I even finished yesterday's post, Mike was on his way to the hardware store to get the part he needed. It was a quick fix, and the water was back on with no more problems. He's my hero. While he was gone, it occurred to me that I couldn't even brush my teeth, and I really, really, really wanted to. I found an open bottle of club soda in the refrigerator, and ...

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February 22, 2025
Sowing Optimism from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. Yes, I said "sowing," not "sewing." Even though it's Sewturday, I'm going to say something about sowing. We had a busy day yesterday. It started out slow enough when I started with the March block for A Year in the Garden. As usual, I was simply using up the partially used bits of floss from the last time I worked on this project.

While I was working on that, I figured I'd get a start on the biscotti I was wanting to bake. Slow-stitching is a good way to kill time while waiting ...

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Sowing Optimism from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. Yes, I said "sowing," not "sewing." Even though it's Sewturday, I'm going to say something about sowing. We had a busy day yesterday. It started out slow enough when I started with the March block for A Year in the Garden. As usual, I was simply using up the partially used bits of floss from the last time I worked on this project.

While I was working on that, I figured I'd get a start on the biscotti I was wanting to bake. Slow-stitching is a good way to kill time while waiting ...

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February 12, 2025
Vintage Quilting from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's another bright and sunny day, but man...burrass cold. I'm writing fast this morning. It's a chilling thought (did you see what I did there?), but in a little bit, I need to leave to get my hair cut. Also, I need to stop off at the grocery store and pick up a few things we'll need to get us through the weekend. We'll do our regular grocery shopping next week.

My yesterday started with this view: Ears to you!

The first of the final three blocks is finished now ...

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Vintage Quilting from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's another bright and sunny day, but man...burrass cold. I'm writing fast this morning. It's a chilling thought (did you see what I did there?), but in a little bit, I need to leave to get my hair cut. Also, I need to stop off at the grocery store and pick up a few things we'll need to get us through the weekend. We'll do our regular grocery shopping next week.

My yesterday started with this view: Ears to you!

The first of the final three blocks is finished now ...

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February 9, 2025
Snippy from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's the start of a brand new week. There's plenty on my to-do list today, after taking an NBS day yesterday. I still think there will be plenty of time for sewing. So let's see...what's going on?

Well, Smitty is taking to his new geriatric kitty pole. It has taken him a while to warm up to it. We thought it might be just too chilly next to the window. With snow on the ground, it's a better place to keep an eye on his domain than to be outside ...

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Snippy from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's the start of a brand new week. There's plenty on my to-do list today, after taking an NBS day yesterday. I still think there will be plenty of time for sewing. So let's see...what's going on?

Well, Smitty is taking to his new geriatric kitty pole. It has taken him a while to warm up to it. We thought it might be just too chilly next to the window. With snow on the ground, it's a better place to keep an eye on his domain than to be outside ...

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February 3, 2025
Short-tailed Cat from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. We got just a little bit more snow overnight. The little dusting we got yesterday was gone before noon, and there were snow showers throughout the day with no accumulation. Looking out our living room window this morning, it looks like this:

It's still nothing to write home about, but then...this is my only home and I'm writing from home. I suppose that counts for something.

You might recall the partly-finished kitten in a teacup from yesterday. I was mulling over how to give it a short Sadie tail.

Well, it took less ...

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Short-tailed Cat from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. We got just a little bit more snow overnight. The little dusting we got yesterday was gone before noon, and there were snow showers throughout the day with no accumulation. Looking out our living room window this morning, it looks like this:

It's still nothing to write home about, but then...this is my only home and I'm writing from home. I suppose that counts for something.

You might recall the partly-finished kitten in a teacup from yesterday. I was mulling over how to give it a short Sadie tail.

Well, it took less ...

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February 2, 2025
Cut-a-thon from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. When I got out of bed this morning, it was 6:00 a.m. I took a little peek out the closed curtain to see if there was snow. It was still dark, and I couldn't see anything. Checking the thermometer, it was 33°F out, and so I put the idea of snow out of my mind. Until the sky brightened. Then, I could see it. We got just a little dusting overnight. Here's a view of the field.

This next image is up closer to the house.

We're expecting more than ...

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Cut-a-thon from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. When I got out of bed this morning, it was 6:00 a.m. I took a little peek out the closed curtain to see if there was snow. It was still dark, and I couldn't see anything. Checking the thermometer, it was 33°F out, and so I put the idea of snow out of my mind. Until the sky brightened. Then, I could see it. We got just a little dusting overnight. Here's a view of the field.

This next image is up closer to the house.

We're expecting more than ...

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January 24, 2025
Lotsa Sewing from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a grocery shopping day today. We have a couple of stops to make, and it seems like a good day to get our beloved Egg McMuffin. So I'm writing fast. Try to keep up, okay?

The quilting is finished on the Domestic Affairs quilt. When I pulled it off the machine and headed downstairs, I found Smitty at the top of the stairs guarding against intruders. I'm not saying Sadie falls into the category of "intruders."

On the other hand, she was being stealth as she waited at the bottom of the ...

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Lotsa Sewing from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a grocery shopping day today. We have a couple of stops to make, and it seems like a good day to get our beloved Egg McMuffin. So I'm writing fast. Try to keep up, okay?

The quilting is finished on the Domestic Affairs quilt. When I pulled it off the machine and headed downstairs, I found Smitty at the top of the stairs guarding against intruders. I'm not saying Sadie falls into the category of "intruders."

On the other hand, she was being stealth as she waited at the bottom of the ...

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December 27, 2024
Counting Down to the New Year from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. Some of you probably still have your Christmas decorations out. Ours are all put away, and we've moved into winter mode. On the dining room table, I've added the Icy Blues table runner.

That was a free pattern from All People Quilt.

On our breakfast bar, I added the quilt I call "Whose Woods are These."

That one was a free pattern from Patchalot Patterns.

Finally, a Scrappy Snowflake wall-hanging for the short wall between our kitchen and dining room.

And that was a free pattern from Lake Girl Quilts. So, come on, Winter ...

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Counting Down to the New Year from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. Some of you probably still have your Christmas decorations out. Ours are all put away, and we've moved into winter mode. On the dining room table, I've added the Icy Blues table runner.

That was a free pattern from All People Quilt.

On our breakfast bar, I added the quilt I call "Whose Woods are These."

That one was a free pattern from Patchalot Patterns.

Finally, a Scrappy Snowflake wall-hanging for the short wall between our kitchen and dining room.

And that was a free pattern from Lake Girl Quilts. So, come on, Winter ...

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